Creekview Elementary School’s theme is “Going Beyond Expectations.” In the 2015-2016 school year, its students certainly exceeded expectations when it comes to math. Creekview Elementary School’s student body jumped 21 percent in mathematics proficiency on the state SAGE assessment.
“At the beginning of last school year, we realized we desperately needed to improve our math scores,” said John Thomas, principal at Creekview Elementary School. “We were trying to become a STEM Designated school and had to convince the district that we had the scores to prove it would be a worthwhile endeavor.”
At the beginning of the 2015-16 school year, Creekview Elementary School started using ST Math, a supplemental math digital learning program designed to assess student understanding and adaptively target learning gaps. ST Math meets each student at their level, providing personalized content and immediate feedback to help them learn and grow.
“This past school year was our first year being involved with ST Math,” Thomas said. “The students and teachers absolutely loved the program. ST Math challenged the students and helped them to learn to solve problems. As the students struggled to solve the problems, they used critical thinking and problem solving skills to figure them out. And after the first year of doing ST Math, our scores soared.”
Teachers at Creekview Elementary School speak very highly of the program, highlighting student success, ease of use and increased student engagement. Students who had started the year behind grade-level have been able to quickly catch up. In addition, students who were already proficient in math were able to help their peers learn the material. “The teachers also learned to use the reports that are generated with ST Math program in order to help the strugglers,” Thomas said. “We had an aide assigned to the computer lab to work with the students. This guaranteed students the time every week that was needed for them to spend on the program. As the administrator, I was able to monitor student progress as well. Student progress began to rise as they were able to track their own improvement. Many of the students enjoyed the competition this created as well. As we continue to use this program and support our students more, I am confident our scores will continue to rise and student enthusiasm for math will also increase.”
Students at Creekview Elementary | ETV News