Micro STEM Fest Kit is a “pop up” event kit with 10 stations that provide fun and exciting STEM activities that challenge young students to work together to learn STEM. Activities include: Code & Go Mouse, Tetris, magnets, LittleBits Code Kit, Hot Wheels, Keva Contraptions, Code & Go Animal Critters, K'Nex, Snap Circuits and a marble run.
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Contact Gina Powell
[email protected]
How it Works
- Designed for 1st grade - 4th grade students to have the stations run by older students (5th or 6th grade)
- Simple instructions included to prepare the older student “mentors” to run the stations
- Materials are easy to set up and take down, packed neatly into portable bins
- Micro STEM Fest Kits can be checked out for a 2-week period
- Micro STEM Fest Kits can be configured to have adult volunteers run the event for students
> Request a Micro STEM Fest Kit
Support a Micro STEM Fest
- Drop off or pick up Micro STEM Fest Kit
- Contribute employee time to support the Micro STEM Fest by helping to set up the festival, engage with the students during the event and then help to pack up the stations and return it to the distribution center
- Time requirement for volunteers can vary and is customizable to your needs
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