K-12 Math Personalized Learning Software
Grant Description
The K-12 Math Personalized Learning Software Grant provides schools and districts with access to a selection of math personalized learning software programs to improve student outcomes in mathematics literacy. Educators have access to software that generates personalized math lessons based on individual students’ abilities and aptitudes. These programs are high-quality, cost-effective, and improve student achievement. Our rigorous evaluation process for these technologies shows a statistically significant relationship between program use and improved student outcomes in math. This initiative has consistently improved students’ growth and proficiency in mathematics.
This math grant program is intended to provide adaptive and personalized math instructional software technology supplements and is NOT intended to replace core classroom instruction. As you consider next year’s application for funding please be aware that the legislative funding provided for this initiative, while ongoing, is limited. The STEM AC will strive to meet as many requests for licenses as funding permits.
Applicants can facilitate the STEM AC’s goal of meeting as many requests as possible by giving considerable thought to the needs in their school(s). Please be very intentional about the product(s) that you request and the number of licenses for that product(s). The goal is to ask only for what you will use and thus ensure that all licenses will meet “effective usage”–students using a given product more than 30-50 minutes a week on average, and teachers using data to inform instruction weekly–requirements and that we reach as many students as possible with the funding that has been provided by the legislature.
Eligibility Requirements
This opportunity is only available to Public Educational Institutions (e.g. school districts and charter schools). Applications can only be prepared by a school or district level administrator; please coordinate your request with the appropriate person at that level. Students (grades 3-12 only) must complete a survey that targets math interest as part of the program evaluation, while teachers must complete a mid-year survey. Parents must receive a letter of information provided by the evaluator that will allow them the opportunity to decline to have their child’s data collected as part of this evaluation. Links can be found for both of these surveys, as well as the parent letter of information.
- Teacher & student surveys open for submissions: None this year
- Application opens for submissions: February 1, 2025
- Applications are due: March 31, 2025
- Teacher & student surveys are due: May 15, 2025
Additional Information, Links, & Products
If the product(s) are not being utilized within the first 60 days of the academic year (with some flexibility for non-traditional school schedules), the awarded licenses will be re-distributed to those who seek additional licenses.
View admin electronic signature instructions
View Best Practices for Creating Strong Blended Learning Environments for Mathematics Report (2023)
of Utah Students Use the Math Software
Students use the software each year in Utah
Cost per Student to use the Software
Clarence Ames
Research & Implementation Manager
[email protected]